Convert Links to Tracked Links

When a document, template, snippet, or notification with HTML content is saved, you can choose to convert the links in the HTML to tracked links.

B2C Service automatically finds any links by searching for HTML anchor tags with an href attribute that do not begin with “mailto:” or “#.” In addition, the system finds links that are part of an image map by searching for HTML area tags with an href attribute. When you save, the system searches for links and prompts you to convert them to tracked links. After you confirm, the links are validated and converted to tracked links. The tracked links are named using the link text and the URL.

For example, the link “<a href=>Oracle Home Page</a>” will be named “Oracle Home Page –” If the link is an image or part of an image map, the name includes “[Image: <image_name>]” or “[Image Map: <image_name>].”

  1. Save the document, template, or snippet.
    The HTML content is scanned and the Tracked Link Conversion message opens if links are found.
  2. Click Yes to convert the links to tracked links.
    The Convert Tracked Links window opens. Each link in the document is validated and the results display in the window.
  3. Enter field information.

    Convert Tracked Links Window

    Field Description

    Link Name

    This column lists the names of the tracked links created from the HTML links.

    Link Target

    This column lists the URLs of the tracked links. You can open the link in a browser by clicking the link target.


    This column lists the status of the link validation. The status can be Valid, Broken, or Validating.


    Click Edit in this column to edit the tracked link name and target.

    Check All

    Click this text to select all check boxes in the list of tracked links. Selected links are converted.

    Uncheck All

    Click this text to clear all check boxes in the list of tracked links. Cleared links are not converted.

  4. Select the links you want to convert by clicking the check boxes next to the link names.
  5. To edit the name and URL of a link, click Edit.
    The Edit Tracked Link window opens.
    1. Enter the name of the tracked link in the Link Name field.
    2. Enter the URL of the tracked link in the Link Target field.
    3. To open the link in a web browser, click the View URL in Web Browser icon.
    4. Click OK to save changes to the tracked link.
  6. Click OK to convert the selected tracked links.
    Note: The tracked links can be viewed or edited from the Tracked Links explorer. The links are stored in a folder named Automatically Generated and a subfolder named by the date the conversion was done (YYYY MM DD).