Advanced Search Options

You can use advanced search options to remove the results from your search, search your current results, or keep your current results and add results from your next search. By default, conducting a new search removes the previous search results.

Click Show Advanced Options on the bottom of the Find menu. (You can click anywhere on the line to display the advanced options.) The option then changes to Hide Advanced Options.

Advanced Search Options

Option Description
Search globally, replace results Select this option to remove the results from the previous search and replace with results from this search. This is the default option.
Search within results, replace results Select this option to search only the current results and keep only those that match this search.
Search globally, append to results Select this option to keep results from the previous search and add results from this search.
Tip: You can also select the Return Non-Matching Items check box to return all files that do not match your search criteria.