Explorer Tree

The primary way of moving around explorers is from the tree, although you can also select actions and change focus in the explorer from the list, ribbon, and address bar.

Depending on the permissions in your profile and the explorer you are working in, certain actions may not be available. For instance, if you select a standard report in the Reports explorer, the Delete action from the list and the button on the ribbon are not available since you can’t delete standard reports.

Explorer Tree Options

Option Action
Change the list Select a folder in the tree to change the list of subfolders and items that appear.
Expand or collapse all folders Right-click a folder to expand or collapse all folders in the tree. You can also click the plus or minus sign next to a folder to expand or collapse a single folder.
Add a folder Right-click a folder and select New Folder. A new folder is created under the selected folder and you are given the opportunity to name it.

This option is not available when you right-click a root or standard folder.

Delete a folder Right-click a folder and select Delete. When you select this action, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Caution: Deleting a folder deletes all of its contents as well. This action cannot be reversed.

This option is not available when you right-click a root or standard folder.

Rename a folder Right-click a folder and select Rename. The selected folder is put into an editable state.

This option is not available when you right-click a root or standard folder.

Reorganize folders Drag and drop a folder and its contents into another folder and move items from one folder to another.

Drag-and-drop may be restricted by permissions in your profile. Also, you cannot execute a drag-and-drop that would result in a folder containing more than 12 levels.