Explorer List

The actions available when working with the list depend on the explorer and the list of items.

Some actions can also be initiated from the ribbon. The actions available also depend on whether you right-click a subfolder or an item.

Explorer List Options

Option Action
Open a subfolder Right-click a subfolder and select Open Folder. This action causes the parent folder to be selected in the tree and its contents to display in the list. This option is available only when you right-click a folder. You can also double-click a folder to open it.
Edit an item Right-click an item and select Edit. This action is available only when you right-click an item. You can also double-click the item to open it for editing.

In the Reports explorer, double-clicking will run the report.

Open an item Right-click an item and select Open to view the item. This action is available only when you right-click an item.
Queue a report Right-click a report and select Queue. This action manually schedules the report to run in the background.

This option is available only on the Reports explorer.

Copy an item Right-click an item and select Copy. Select this action when you want to add an item that contains many of the same attributes as the item you right-click. This option is not available when you right-click a folder.
Delete a subfolder or item Right-click a subfolder or item and select Delete. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Caution: Deleting a folder deletes all of its contents as well. This action cannot be reversed.

This option is not available when you right-click a standard folder.

Rename a subfolder or item Right-click a subfolder or item and select Rename. The folder or item is put into an editable state for you to rename.

This option is not available when you right-click a standard folder.

View a report definition Right-click a report and select View Definition. The report definition opens in a new window.
Add a folder Right-click in the white space of the list and select New Folder. After you name the folder and press Enter, the new folder displays in the list and also under the parent folder in the tree.
Reorganize folders and items Drag and drop a folder and its contents into another folder and move items from one folder to another using drag-and-drop. You can also drag folders or items in the list and drop them onto a folder in the tree. (You cannot, however, drag from the tree to the list, since dragging a folder into one of its descendants is never permitted.)

Certain explorers may not permit drag-and-drop operations.

Resize and re-sort columns Drag the left column boundaries to resize columns. Click a column header to re-sort the data in ascending or descending order.