Explorer Ribbon

Many of the actions you initiate from the explorer list can also be selected by clicking a button on the ribbon.

The explorer ribbon contains only the Home tab. Clicking certain buttons, such as New and Open, changes the tabs and buttons that are available. The Help button is on the far right of the ribbon. Click this button to access help for the current task.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for all ribbon buttons so you can enter a key combination to perform an action rather than clicking a ribbon button. Press Alt plus the first letter of the ribbon tab that you want to display the keyboard shortcuts for. (For instance, press Alt+H to display the keyboard shortcuts for buttons on the Home tab.) This is a one-time action. When you use a keyboard shortcut, the ribbon returns to its default display.

Explorer Ribbon

Group/Button Description
Edit Click this button to edit the selected item in the list. You can also right-click the item and select Edit or double-click the item.
Open Click this button to open the selected item in the list. You can also right-click the item and select Open.
New Report Click this button to create a custom report.

This button appears only on the Reports explorer ribbon. Other explorers contain a New button.

New Dashboard Click this button to create a dashboard.

This button appears only on the Reports explorer ribbon.

Queue Click this button to manually schedule the report to run in the background. When a queued report has been generated, a toast notification displays with a link to open the report. (This option is useful for reports or dashboards that you think may query or return a large amount of data.) You can also right-click the report and select Queue.

This button appears only on the Reports explorer ribbon.

View Definition Click this button to view the report definition in a new window. You can also right-click the report and select View Definition.

This button appears only on the Reports explorer ribbon.

Copy Click this button to copy the selected item in the list. You can also right-click the item and select Copy.
Caution: Deleting a folder deletes all of its contents as well. This action cannot be reversed.

Click this button to delete the selected item or folder in the list. You can also right-click the item or folder and select Delete or select the item and press Delete.

You cannot delete a root or standard folder.

Rename Click this button to rename the selected subfolder or item in the list. You can also right-click the item or subfolder and select Rename.

You cannot rename a root or standard folder.

Back Click this button to return to the last folder you accessed. The list on the right populates with the folder’s contents, just as if you had manually selected a folder in the tree. Initially, this button is disabled. You can also click the arrow on the far right of the address bar to display the paths of the last ten folders and items accessed. The most recent entry is at the top of the list.
Forward Click this button to move forward in the history of recently accessed folders and items. The forward list is populated as soon as you click the Back button. You can also click the arrow on the far right of the address bar to display the paths of the last ten folders and items in the Forward list. The most recent entry is at the top of the list.
Up Click this button to access the parent of the selected folder. When the selected folder has no parent (that is, it is a root folder), the Up button is disabled.
Refresh Click this button to refresh the tree and list.
Find Click this button to change the explorer state to Search On. See Explorer Display States.
Folders Click this button to switch between showing the tree and hiding it.
Views Click the arrow on this button to change the way the subfolders and items display in the list. Options include Tiles, Icons, List, and Details. The default is Details (subfolders and items display in column format).
Choose Details Click this button to select which database columns you want to display and which you want to hide. The columns that display have a check next to them. This button is available only when the Details view is active. (See the Views button description above.)

The Name column can never be hidden and therefore does not appear in the list of columns. However, you can display the ID column, which is hidden by default.