Custom Objects in Analytics

Deployed objects that have the Object is Available in Workspaces, Scripting, and Workflow option enabled automatically have standard reports created for them.

You can find the reports in Public Reports > Common > Views—Common > Search Reports—Custom Objects and Editor Reports–Custom Objects. These reports are primarily intended to be used as Quick Search reports and in workspaces to provide access to the custom object records.

All deployed custom objects are available for use in custom reports, so you can create the custom reports you need to track your data. Using custom object data is no different than using data in standard tables, with the exception that data in menu-only custom objects is not available for inline editing.

When creating reports in the report designer, you can find your custom objects in the data dictionary. The fields created for system attributes and the tables created for objects each have unique naming conventions. These conventions are also followed when viewing custom objects in the data dictionary on the navigation pane (Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary).

  • System attribute fields—Fields created for system attributes are listed in the table they are associated with, just as custom fields are. However, where the database names for custom fields are prepended with c$, the database names for system attributes are prepended with the name of the package they are in followed by the dollar sign. For example, after creating an incidents system attribute named ManagerReviewed in the CO package, a field named “Manager Reviewed (CO$ManagerReviewed)” will display in the incidents table.
  • Object tables—Tables that store object data are listed by the object label names. The table database names are derived from the name of the object, prepended with the name of the package and the dollar sign ($). For example, an object in the CO package that is named ProdReg with a label of Product Registration displays in the data dictionary as “Product Registration (CO$ProdReg).”
Tip: To use custom object transactional data in a custom report, you need to use fields from the Custom Object Transactions (co_trans) table instead of the Transactions (trans) table.