How You Append Field Parameters

Every field in a web form is associated with a parameter that can be passed a value in the web page URL, and multiple parameters may be passed at the same time to define multiple field values.

To define a prefilled value for a specific field, append its parameter to the web page URL in the following format:

    /wf_2_<field_ID>/<prefill value>

Each field parameter contains a unique field ID. You can view custom field IDs on the Custom Fields editor by hovering over each field. For example, if a custom field has an ID of 3, the parameter would be:

    /wf_2_3/<prefill value>

Default contact fields also have unique field IDs. For example, if you select the Country field, which has an ID of 100022, the parameter would be:

    /wf_2_100022/<prefill value>

Default Contact Fields and Corresponding Field IDs

Field Name Field Field ID
Last Name last_name 100002
First Name first_name 100003
Email Address email 100004
Email Address Alternate 1 email_alt1 100010
Email Address Alternate 2 email_alt2 100011
Title title 100013
Office Phone ph_office 100015
Mobile Phone ph_mobile 100016
Fax Phone ph_fax 100017
Assistant Phone ph_asst 100018
Home Phone ph_home 100019
Street street 100020
Country country_id 100022
State/Province prov_id 100023
Postal Code postal_code 100024
Global Opt-in ma_opt_in 100025
Organization Name (Outreach) ma_org_name 100027
Invalid Email Flag email_invalid 100028
Email Format Preference ma_mail_type 100029
Organization Name Alternate (Outreach) ma_alt_org_name 100051
Last Name Alternate alt_last_name 100052
First Name Alternate alt_first_name 100053
Survey Opt-In survey_opt_in 100054
Note: For descriptions of these fields, click Configuration on the navigation pane, expand Database, and then double-click Data Dictionary.

The prefill values that can be passed in a parameter depend on the field type. All database contact fields and contact custom fields are one of the following types.

  • Text Field or Text Area—The value of a text field or text area is expressed in the URL as text. Append the text you want as the value of the field, and the field prefills with that text. For example, to prefill the Postal Code field with the text “59771,” append that value to the field parameter as follows:
  • Integer—The value of an integer field is expressed in the URL as an integer. Append the integer you want as the value of the field, and the field prefills with that integer. For example, to prefill a custom field (ID 301) with the number “5,” append that value to the field parameter as follows:
  • Menu—The value of a menu field item is expressed in the URL as a unique ID number. (Menu item IDs can be obtained by viewing the source code of the form in a web browser.) Append the ID of the menu item to prefill the field with the text of that menu item. For example, to prefill the State/Province field with “MT,” append its menu item ID value to the field parameter as follows:
  • Radio or Opt-in—The value of a radio or opt-in field is expressed in the URL as 0 for a “No” value or 1 for a “Yes” value. Append either 0 or 1 and the No or Yes radio button will be selected. For example, to select the Yes radio button on the Global Opt-in field, append “1” to the field parameter as follows:
  • Date or Date/Time—The value of a date or date/time field is expressed in the URL in a special time format. Append the formatted value to prefill the field with the equivalent date or date/time. Use the following formats to pass values to date and date/time fields:

For example, to prefill a custom date field (ID 320) with the date “November 1, 2005,” append “2005-11-01T” to the field parameter as follows:


Or, to prefill a custom date/time field (ID 320) with the date and time “November 1, 2005, 3:32 PM,” append “2005-11-01T15:32” to the field parameter as follows:

Note: Remember to include the “T” after the date when declaring a value in date or date/time format.

You can prefill multiple fields on a form at the same time by appending multiple parameters to a single URL, separated by slashes. This image shows a URL that has been modified to prefill three fields: State, Country, and a service provider custom field.

This figure shows a web form for a sample company, Global Wireless, with several fields that have been prefilled. Those fields are described in the text that precedes the figure.

To prefill these fields, the following three parameters were added to the end of the URL:

  • /wf_2_100023/32—The State field is assigned the numeric ID value of 32 for the menu option “Montana.”
  • /wf_2_100022/1—The Country field is assigned the numeric ID value of 1 for the menu option “U.S.”
  • /wf_2_3/985—The custom service provider field is assigned the numeric ID value of 985 for the menu option “Technicomm.”