Available Actions from a Navigation or Configuration List

The actions available from a navigation or configuration list vary depending on the item you’ve selected and your profile permissions.

When you display the list you want, just double-click a report or other item to open it on the content pane. You can also right-click any item to select other actions. Be aware that certain actions require one or more profile permissions.

Available Actions from Navigation and Configuration Lists

Right-Click Available Actions
Report or Other Item Select from the following actions.
Open Select this action to open the report or item on the content pane.

This is the only right-click option available for configuration items.

Open in New Tab Select this action to open a second copy of a currently open report in a new tab on the content pane.

This action is available only when you right-click a report that is already open.

Queue Select this action to manually schedule the report to run in the background.
View Report Definition Select this action to view the report definition in a new window.
Edit Report Definition Select this action to edit the report. If you select this action for a standard report, the report doesn’t open. Instead, the content pane displays options for creating a schedule to generate and distribute the report and for changing profile permissions for the report if your profile lets you assign permissions. Also, a message displays at the top of the content pane telling you that this is a read-only report.

This action won’t display if you don’t have appropriate Analytics permissions in your profile.

The remaining right-click actions appear only if you’ve the Customize Navigation Sets permission in your profile.
Remove from List Select this action to remove the report or item from your navigation or configuration list. You will be prompted to confirm the removal.
Set as Default Select this action to set the report or item as the default for this list. Default items have Default appended to their name. When you right-click a default item, this option changes to Unset as Default.

The item you set as the default will automatically open on the content pane when the item’s navigation or configuration list displays when you log in. For information about the other options available when you log in, see Change Your Navigation Pane Settings.

Folder Select from the following actions.

Folder options don’t apply to the configuration list. However, folders can be renamed and removed from a configuration list on the Navigation Sets editor.

Rename Select this action to rename a folder in a navigation list.
Remove from List Select this action to remove a folder and all of its contents from the navigation list.