Chart Styles Explorer

You can apply chart styles to charts shown on reports to change their appearance. You can also create custom chart styles if you have specific display requirements for your charts.

By applying a chart style, you can immediately change a chart’s fonts, colors, scales, gridlines, backgrounds, and other display attributes. The Chart Styles Explorer includes several predefined chart styles, which you can apply to charts, and allows you to create custom chart styles. You can then apply the same chart style to charts in different reports to ensure that all the charts have a similar appearance.
Tip: When configuring charts to display on the Agent Browser UI, you can use any chart style you want, but we suggest trying the Web Theme style which is configured for optimal display on web browsers.

The attributes defined in chart styles vary depending on the type of chart used in a report. Likewise, the chart style options vary depending on the type of chart the style should be applied to.

Chart Types

Chart Type Description
Vertical bar chart. Described in the text.

Vertical bar charts display data as a series of vertical bars. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.

Horizontal bar. Described in the text.

Horizontal bar charts display data as a series of horizontal bars. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.

Pie chart. Described in the text.

Pie charts display data as a percentage of a whole. Subtype options can display two- or three-dimensional pie charts or doughnut charts.

Line chart. Described in the text.

Line charts display data as a series of points connected by a line. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.

Line/bar combo chart. Described in the text.

Line/bar combo charts display both a line chart and a vertical bar chart. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.

Area chart. Described in the text.

Area charts display data as areas on an x- and y-axis. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.

X-Y chart. Described in the text.

X-Y charts display data as a series of plotted points. Subtype options can display the plotted points as points, lines, or bubbles and as two- or three-dimensional.

Radar chart. Described in the text.

Radar charts display data in a radar format. Numeric values are plotted at markers on the perimeter.

Stock chart. Described in the text.

Stock charts display the minimum and maximum values for data. Subtype options can display the chart using squares or lines to represent the high and low points of each plot.

Pareto chart. Described in the text.

Pareto charts display data in descending order with an ascending plot line for cumulative percentage. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.

Gauge chart. Described in the text.

Gauge charts display a numeric value as a percentage of a whole. Subtype options can display the chart as a gradation bar or a simple color meter.

Gauge charts cannot be used in reports that contain non-aggregate columns.

Funnel chart. Described in the text.

Funnel charts display data as areas shown in ascending or descending order. Subtype options can display two- or three-dimensional funnel or pyramid charts.

Gantt chart. Described in the text. Gantt charts display time lines for completion of scheduled tasks. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.