Login Help Options

You have a number of options that can be added to your application to control login behavior and assist staff members when logging in. You can also add your organization’s branding to the Login window to communicate a message to your staff members.

B2C Service contains an account self-service feature to assist staff members who are having problems logging in. Staff members access this feature using the Login Help link on the Login window.

Using the ACCT_RECOVER_ALT and ACCT_RECOVER_STATUS configuration settings (RightNow User Interface/Tool Bar/General), you can configure your application to perform one of the following actions when staff members click Login Help.

  • Open the login procedure in online help—In addition to providing the steps required to log in, this procedure directs staff members to their organization’s administrator for their login information and explains the default behavior of the account self-service feature.
  • Send staff an email if they have forgotten their user name or password—This is the default in the ACCT_RECOVER_STATUS configuration setting. When staff members click Login Help, the Account Self Service window opens.

    Staff members who have forgotten their user name simply enter their email address and click Submit. If their email address is unique, they will receive an email containing their user name. If not unique, they will receive an email telling them to contact their administrator.

    Staff members who have forgotten their password select I Forgot My Password. An additional field displays. Staff members must enter their email address and user name. If both email address and user name match what’s defined in their staff account, they will receive an email containing a link to the Password Reset page for entering a new password. As a security measure, if either user name or email is incorrect, no email is sent.

Note: Use the Accounts email messages (Site Configuration/Message Templates/Administrator Emails/Accounts) to customize the emails sent to staff members when they have forgotten either their user name or their password.
  • Show alternate message—If you want to display an alternate message to staff members when they click Login Help, change the value in the ACCT_RECOVER_STATUS configuration setting to 2 and enter your new message in the ACCT_RECOVER_ALT configuration setting.