Contact Opt-Out Tracking

B2C Service records transactions for global opt-ins and opt-outs in the contact audit log.

While global opt-outs are generally performed by contacts themselves, there are many methods by which a contact can be opted out.

Contact Opt-Out Methods

Method Description

Contact Record

A staff member set the Global Opt-In field to No in the contact record.

Account Settings

The contact set the Global Opt-In field to No on the Account Settings page on the customer portal.

Unsubscribe Link

The contact clicked an unsubscribe link that was included in a served web page or delivered email.

Web Page Link

The contact opted out by form submission.

Data Import

The contact was opted out when the contact record was uploaded by the Data Import Wizard.

List-Unsubscribe Header

The contact clicked an opt-out button in the mail client that appeared as a result of the List-Unsubscribe mail header.

Automatic Feedback Loop

The contact clicked a spam notification feature provided by the contact’s email service, which relayed a notification to B2C Service, and the contact was opted-out by the system.

In addition to the audit log, the system provides the following reports to help you identify the methods responsible for opting out contacts.

  • Mailing Opt-Out Details—Lists all contacts who opted out as a result of a mailing and the opt-out method used.
  • Contact Opt-Out Details—Lists all contacts currently opted out and (if available) the opt-out method used.
  • Outreach Activity—Includes information about contacts who opted out using the List-Unsubscribe Header or Automatic Feedback Loop methods.
  • Mailing Response Analysis—Includes the total number of opt-outs that occurred using the List-Unsubscribe Header or Automatic Feedback Loop methods.
Caution: If your site is experiencing higher-than-usual opt-out rates, the recommended best practice is to increase the deliverability of your communications.