Create Contact Workflow Template

This template uses a Decision element to determine if the incident being opened is associated with a contact record. If no contact is associated, it automatically creates a new contact for the incident and sets contact fields before displaying the incident in a workspace.

Create Contact

Element Description
Entry Point This element indicates the starting point of the workflow.
Has Contact? Incident This Decision element checks whether the incident being opened is associated with a contact record. If so, the flow is forwarded to the Workspace element. If not, the flow is directed to the Create element. The working record is set to Incident, referring to the incident being opened in the workflow.
Contact New Contact This Create element automatically creates a new contact and names the contact “New Contact.”
Set Contact Incident This Set Fields element updates the incident Contact field to the new contact, associating the two records. The working record is set to Incident so the element will make the update to the incident opened earlier in the workflow.
Workspace Incident This Workspace element displays the opening incident in a workspace. The working record is set to Incident so the element displays the incident opened earlier in the workflow.