Custom Field Properties

You can add custom fields to workspaces and scripts just like a standard database field.

Since you can modify certain properties of custom fields when you create them on the Custom Fields editor, there are some considerations to be aware of when editing custom fields you add to a workspace.

  • If a default value was defined for the custom field when it was created, that default value will appear when you place the field onto the design space. To override the original default field value and set a different default value from the design space, you must enable the Default Value, From Workspace, or From Script property. See Considerations for Using the Default Value Property.
  • If a mask was specified for the custom field when it was created, you can view the mask by clicking RNT Mask on the Design tab on the ribbon. You cannot specify masks for custom fields when you place them on the design space. See Overview of Custom Fields.
  • If you add a custom field that was configured to be required when it was created, the required property for the field will be enabled on the design space by default. However, you can disable the required property if you do not want to require the field. See How You Set Hidden, Required, and Read-Only Properties.
Note: Custom field properties defined on the editor affect field behavior only on the workspace or script you are editing. Properties affecting the behavior of custom fields on the customer portal are defined on the Custom Fields editor and are not affected by field properties set in a workspace or script.