How You Customize Message Bases

Message bases are text strings that appear on the administration interface, the customer portal, and in email messages and notifications. You can customize these with the Message Bases editor.

By customizing message bases with the Message Bases editor, you can change the descriptive text within your application. Message bases also provide international language support and let you change the text to accommodate regional dialects.

Reports drive the data that displays on the content pane, and you can format the output returned using cross tab (default) and rollup views. In rollup view, you can edit a single message base for multiple interfaces at one time. Like configuration settings, message bases are organized in a hierarchical folder structure.

To find message bases, use the Search feature on the Message Bases editor described in the Search for a message base procedure.

When the Message Bases editor opens, each page is a clickable number across the top of the content pane. By default, the system displays, at most, 10,000 message bases per page displaying the folders containing the text values on the left. The number of folders that displays depends on which page you view and which settings are shown.