Edit Message Base Text

While standard message bases cannot be deleted and field parameters cannot be edited, the text values of standard message bases can be edited inline or from the ribbon. You can also edit the same message base on multiple interfaces at once using rollup mode.

You can easily see when a text value has been changed from the default value because an underscore displays on the changed value. If you change the value back to the default, the underscore no longer displays. When a change is pending, the edited field displays a tick mark. When you hover over the tick mark, a tooltip displays telling you how to save or discard your change.

Another feature you’ll want to know about is the ability to lock your message base text values to ensure that the text displays as you expect on update. Because the system always uses the custom text value on update, and since the default value may change with new releases, locking the current value is the only way to ensure that your text stays the same from release to release. See the procedure that follows to lock your text values.

Caution: We recommend that you document all changes made to the message bases. As you continue to edit the message bases, your installation becomes less similar to the documentation and the default product. In some cases this can make training and troubleshooting more difficult. Before you begin editing a message, you may want to copy the existing message text from the Default Text field and paste it into the Description field of the open message base. This reduces the chance of errors if you ever need to change your edited message back to the previous value.
  1. Select the row that displays the message base you want to edit.
    Tip: When you first open the Message Bases editor, the Search window opens where you can search for a specific message base. After you are in the editor, you can click the Search on the ribbon. See Search for a Message Base.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit Selection on the ribbon.
    • Click in the Text column to edit the text value inline.
    • Double-click the message base to open it on the content pane and edit the Description field and/or the Custom Text field.
  3. To edit the message base description, enter your changes in the Description field.
  4. Enter or select the new custom text value.
    Note: Do not add hard returns to message base text. Hard returns may cause a JavaScript error to occur on the page or window where the text appears.
  5. To revert to the default text value, click Restore.
  6. Click Save.
    The new custom text displays with an underscore.
  7. Verify the change by checking the page where the edited message base appears.

What to do next

Changes to the message bases do not take effect immediately. You must log out of B2C Service and log back in or refresh the customer portal page.