Overview of the Search Window

The Search window you use to search for information in a report or dashboard displays the filters and variables you specify. You can place these where you want, and size the window to suit your needs.

By default, the controls for the filters and variables have fixed sizes and are grouped by the type of input field they use. For instance, filters for text fields are grouped together as are filters for menu fields. The contents of each group are further arranged according to the operators used by each field in the group. The controls on a dashboard’s Search window are also grouped by the items common to all reports on the dashboard, and those that are specific to individual reports. See How You Search Dashboard Reports.

If the default layout of your report’s Search window does not meet your needs, you can size and organize the window’s contents to ensure that they display as you want them to. For example, you can place the filters you regularly use before the filters with default values you seldom change. In addition, you can manage whitespace on the window by stacking smaller filters and wrapping date range filters.

When you customize a Search window layout from the report or dashboard designer, the layout you save is used as the default layout for all users of the report or dashboard. However, they can also customize the layout and then save it to their local workstation so they see the same layout when they next open the report or dashboard.

Note: If you define a custom layout for a report that is later modified on the report designer, any changes made to the report will not overwrite the layout you define. If new filters are added to the report, they will display last in the user’s customized layout, and any filters deleted from the report will disappear from the layout.