Date Grouping Output Variables

While most options on the Search window are runtime selectable filters, which limit the returned data, date grouping options are output variables that group the report’s data by the time period in which a specified event occurred.

Date grouping output variables can be added to custom reports and are frequently used in standard reports. For example, the Agent Activity standard report displays incidents that were assigned to staff members within a certain time range. The default time range is Year/Month/Day, so a row is displayed for each day in the selected date range listing the number of incidents assigned to the agent per day. However, you can select from the options on the Date Grouping menu to group the data by a different time period, such as week or quarter.

Note: When date groupings are shown in the report’s output, they display as the number associated with the time period. Selecting Year/Week, for instance, displays the year followed by the number of the week (2019/23). However, the display format of grouped date columns can be changed by editing the Group Date Format configuration settings found on the Configuration Settings editor in the Group Date Format folder (RightNow Common/General AnalyticsOptions/Group Date Format). See Overview of Site Configuration and Analytics Configuration Settings for descriptions of the configuration settings that impact reports.