Define a Relative Date Range in a Filter

You can specify a relative date range in date or date/time filters. For example, a relative range could be from six months ago to three months ago, or a week ago to the current time.

  1. Select the Relative check box on the Search window to switch from a specific date to a relative date.
  2. Click the Calendar icon to display the relative options.
  3. Enter field information.

    Relative Date Range

    Field Description

    Offset By

    Enter the number of time units to use in this field. Values can be positive or negative. For example, use negative values to report on a date range of 6 months ago to 1 month ago.

    Time Units

    Select the time unit to use from this drop-down menu. The available options are Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, and Years.


    Select this option to use the exact time period entered. For example, if you run a report at noon on a Wednesday that returns records created from exactly one week ago to the current day, the report returns records created between noon on Wednesday of the previous week and the current day.

    Rounded to Beginning of Time Period

    Select this option to round the selected time period to the beginning of the time period. For example, if you run a report on a Wednesday that returns records created from one week ago rounded to the current day, the report returns records created between 12:01 A.M. on Sunday of the previous week and the current day.

  4. Click OK.