Design Space Layout Options

The design space is the working area where you arrange fields and controls as you want them to appear on your workspace or script.

On most new workspace layouts, the design space contains a summary panel and a tab set control, while script layouts feature a content area with header and footer sections. Each of these design areas contains a table, hidden by default, that forms an underlying grid for aligning fields and controls.

Initially, these tables contain a single row and column, and the first item added to them fills the height and width of a single cell. As you add other elements, additional rows and columns are automatically added with new cells holding each added field and control. Moving or removing an item from a cell will cause the other cells to adjust automatically to fill the space left by the removed item.

Tip: Although there is no limit to the number of rows and columns allowed, you should avoid using large numbers of them so that the layout is easier to use. Also, when adding items to a workspace, try to keep fields and controls roughly the same height on the same row, since the height of the row is determined by the tallest element. For example, a date field generally displays with only one line of information, whereas a notes field with a text box is taller.

When adding and arranging items on the design space, it can be helpful to show the table outlines to help you identify the layout structure.