Business Rule Logical Expressions

Logical expressions use AND (&) and OR (|) to define the relationship between rule conditions.

To edit the logical expression after you have defined conditions, click in the Logical Expressions field and make the changes. Use logical expressions when you want to link the conditions in the following ways:

  • You want all conditions to apply in order for the rule to initiate its action. Use AND (&) to link the conditions. The expression 1 & 2 & 3 means that the rule action occurs only when all three conditions are met. Because the default logical expression is AND, it is not necessary to use a logical expression when you want all conditions to apply. If you delete the logical expression in this case, the conditions remain linked by AND.
  • You want any one of the conditions to apply in order for the rule to initiate action. Use OR (|) to link the conditions. The expression 1 | 2 | 3 means that the rule action occurs if any one of the three conditions is met.
  • You want to group the conditions. Using parentheses, you can create an expression such as 1 & (2 | 3). This expression requires that condition 1 be met and that either condition 2 or condition 3 must also be met. If you do not use parentheses, AND always has precedence over OR, which determines the order of execution. In that case, 1 & 2 | 3 requires that both conditions 1 and 2 be met or that condition 3 be met.