Workspace and Script Field Types

The fields you can add to your workspace or script are shown on the Insert Field tab, and are associated with icons to indicate the type of input they accept.

You can hover over a field icon to see a description of the field and the field name as it appears on the API, regardless of any changes that might have been made to the message base label.

Field Type Icons

Icon Field Type
Field icon that includes drop-down list options.

Field with drop-down list options

Field with search capability icon. Represented as a magnifying glass.

Field with search capability

SmartSense icon, represented bya red-to-blue slider with yellow position indicator. Described in text.

SmartSense meter for rating emotional context of messages

Field icon represented by a calendar. Described in text.

Field with calendar for selecting date and time

Text box field icon represented by the letters “abc”.

Text box field

Integer field icon represented by the numbers “123”.

Integer field

SLA selection field icon.

SLA selection field

Address field icon, represented by a globe with a magnifying-glass overlay.

Address field

Email address field icon represented by an envelope.

Email address field

Phone number field icon represented by a telephone handset.

Phone number field

Currency field icon represented by coins.

Currency field

Quote document selection field icon.

Quote document selection field

Contact lists icon.

Contact lists field