New vs. Edit Workflow Template

This template uses a decision element to determine if the staff member is creating a new incident or opening an existing incident. Based on the decision, the staff member is either directed to a workspace designed for new incident creation or a workspace designed for editing existing incidents.

New vs. Edit

Element Description
Entry Point This element indicates the starting point of the workflow.
Editor Mode Incident This Decision element checks whether the incident open in the workflow is a new incident or an existing incident. The working record is set to Incident, referring to the incident being created or opened.
Workspace Incident

(New Path)

This Workspace element displays a new incident in a workspace. The working record is set to Incident, referring to the incident being created.
Workspace Incident

(Edit Path)

This Workspace element displays an existing incident in a workspace. The working record is set to Incident, referring to the incident being opened.