How You Open Queued Reports

You can open queued reports from My Queued Reports or from the notifications list.

When the database server has run a queued report and it’s ready to view, you will receive a message in a toast notification and in your list of notifications. See Notifications.

To view the report, click Open on the toast notification or double-click the notification in your notifications list. The report opens on the content pane. You can also open reports you queued from the My Queued Reports standard report.

When you open a queued report that was sent to a CSV file, the Save As window opens where you can select a location to save the CSV file. You can then use an external application to view the contents of the file. See Queue a Dashboard Manually.

Note: After a queued report is processed, you have a default of seven days to view it. Reports older than the time period specified in the PURGE_QUEUED_REPORT_DAYS configuration setting (Agedatabase/Batch Processing/Miscellaneous Purging) are deleted from the list of processed reports by the Agedatabase utility. For information about this and other configuration settings that impact reports, see Analytics Configuration Settings.