Opportunity Reports

Opportunity reports can be placed in the Opportunities navigation list or any other navigation list you have access to.

When you click Opportunities on the navigation pane, the navigation list displays all of the reports and items added to this button by your administrator. The Opportunities button, plus all the other buttons you have access to, are part of the navigation set defined in your profile.

Opportunity reports can also be placed in other navigation lists, not just the Opportunities list. And if you have permission to customize your navigation set, you can add other items, including any reports you have permission to access, to your Opportunities navigation list or any of your lists. Double-clicking any opportunity report displays the list of opportunities in the report on the content pane.

The information displayed on the content pane depends on the opportunities report you select and which fields were defined when the report was created. The Recently Modified Opportunities report, for example, displays the opportunity’s name, forecasted value, and date it was last modified.

Using buttons on the ribbon, you can open, add, copy, delete, print, forward, assign, and reject opportunities and email the contact. You can also search for opportunities, refresh the report, and reset the search criteria. Right-clicking any opportunity displays the same functions as those on the ribbon.

Tip: Besides searching for opportunities from a report, you can also use Quick Search to find a specific opportunity from anywhere in the product.