Oracle Knowledge Management

You can integrate B2C Service with on-premise Oracle Enterprise Knowledge to provide a full-featured knowledge authoring and management solution, enabling contact center agents and customers to quickly and easily find accurate answers to customer inquiries from within the agent desktop and customer portal.

The Oracle Enterprise Knowledge integration leverages best-in-class content authoring and content management capabilities that enable agents and authors to create content that can be segmented for specific audiences, products, and categories, and managed and published using content versioning and history and flexible workflows, including translation support.

For agents and customers, Enterprise Knowledge includes Intelligent Search technology, which finds exact answers to questions based on their meaning, and searches unstructured content, structured data sources, and transactional business applications in parallel. Intelligent Search incorporates customer context, call context, and system contextual information to provide highly relevant answers to customer questions.

  • Customer Portal—Enterprise Knowledge can be embedded in the customer portal to provide customer-facing natural language search and intent-based solutions. Unlike typical self-service solutions that match search terms, Enterprise Knowledge uses natural language processing to understand the true intent of the customer’s inquiry. Then, using other search enhancement features, such as industry-specific libraries, it identifies and presents the best possible answer. Enterprise Knowledge in Customer Portal increases resolution rates while reducing calls and support costs, transforming the self-service experience.
  • Agent Desktop—The Enterprise Knowledge integration with Agent Desktop embeds the same intent-based search functionality directly within the dynamic agent desktop to maximize agent productivity and improve call resolution rates. In addition, Enterprise Knowledge streamlines the call wrap-up process by automatically providing embedded links to associate the right knowledge with each service request resolution task. You can also configure incident workspaces with the Enterprise Knowledge options available to the workspace profiles.

For more information about integrating with Enterprise Knowledge, see the Oracle Knowledge for B2C Service Integration Guide.