Other Opportunity Actions

Besides editing and adding opportunities, you may have other opportunity management duties as well. You might, for example, want to forward opportunities to others within or outside your organization, copy an opportunity, or make the same change to multiple opportunities.

  • Forwarding opportunities—You can send a copy of an opportunity to other recipients. For instance, your manager may want to see all opportunities related to a particular inquiry, or you might want another sales representative to review your opportunity data before sending a quote to a customer.
  • Copying opportunities—There may be times when you need to create an opportunity that is similar to an existing one. Rather than entering all field information from scratch, just copy the existing opportunity and use it as a base for the new one.
  • Updating multiple opportunities—You can update, forward, and delete multiple opportunities at one time rather than performing the same action on each opportunity individually. This saves time when you have several opportunities that apply to the same sales product or service.