Predefined Quick Search Reports

The fields that display when you change Quick Search reports are unique to the type of record or file you are searching for.

Keep in mind that your list of Quick Search reports may be different from the reports described here.

Search Fields for Predefined Quick Search Reports

Predefined Quick Search Reports Description
Answer Quick Search Enter the answer ID.
Asset Search Enter the asset name, serial number, organization name, or contact name or select a service product from the Product drop-down list.
Campaign Search Enter the campaign name.
Contact Quick Search Enter the contact’s last name, first name, or email address.
Incident Search Enter the incident reference number.
Mailing Search Enter the mailing name.
Opportunity Search Enter the opportunity name.
Opportunity Tracking Task Search Enter the task name.
Organization Quick Search Enter the organization name.
Outreach Task Search Enter the task name.
Quick Search Dashboard Enter the incident reference number, contact name, organization name, or opportunity name.
Service Task Search Enter the task name.