How You Search from Open Records

You can search for contacts, organizations, or tasks from many types of open records. For example, when you are working on an incident, you might need to search for a contact to associate with the incident.

This lists describes the types of searches you can do from various open records.

  • Search for a contact from an open incident, opportunity, organization, task, asset, or contact list.
  • Search for an organization from an open contact, incident, opportunity, task, or asset.
  • Search for a task from an open answer, contact, incident, opportunity, or organization.

Make a practice of checking your recent items before searching. Just click the link in the field next to the Search button to view a list of the records you’ve recently worked on, if any are available. If you find the record you’re looking for, select it. This is a quick way to associate a record, such as a contact, with an open record without having to conduct a search. If you don’t find the record you’re looking for, or if no records are available, then conduct a search.

This functionality applies only to incident, contact, organization, task, chat, asset, and custom object workspace types. If the Show Recent Items in Fields check box is cleared on the View Options window, recent items will not display in the search list.