Proxy Surveys

Any broadcast, transactional, or website link survey can be added to a workspace, letting your agents complete surveys on behalf of contacts during telephone interactions. Surveys can be embedded in contact, organization, incident, or opportunity workspaces by inserting a Survey By Proxy control.

Together with the advanced mode features Feedback provides, proxy surveys can be used to initiate more complex processes, such as creating leads and tasks, setting contact field values, sending staff notifications, and triggering external events. This makes proxy surveys useful for meeting a variety of key business needs.

  • An incident-based proxy survey can be used by customer support agents to invite feedback about how a support call was handled or assess interest in new service offerings.
  • An organization-based or contact-based proxy survey can be used by marketing personnel to prequalify leads and opportunities for the sales team or add contacts to segments based on their explicitly confirmed interests.
  • Opportunity-based proxy surveys can be used by sales reps to gather feedback about specific sales interactions or assess how well a product fits a given area of need.