Create a Broadcast Survey

You can create a broadcast survey if you want to survey a group of contacts in your knowledge base.

You can create a broadcast survey if you want to survey a group of contacts in your knowledge base. Similar to mailings, broadcast surveys are sent at a certain time to an audience you define. A link to the survey is sent by email using your own content or a previously defined document. See Create a Document. Customers can then click the link to complete the survey.

Note: The delivery and participation rates of survey invitation emails can be impaired by factors beyond the scope of Feedback.
  1. From the Surveys explorer, click New.
    A new survey opens on the content pane.
    Tip: You can also create surveys from an open survey by clicking New. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add surveys from the file menu, click File > Surveys > Survey.
  2. Click Broadcast Survey.
    By default, the Summary tab is active. From here, you can review general information about the survey in the At a Glance section, as well as manage survey notes, tasks, and attachments (see Survey Management). As you create the survey, you move through each tab to complete the survey elements.
  3. To assign the survey to another staff member (by default, the survey is assigned to the staff member who creates it), click the Assigned drop-down list and select the staff member.
    1. To search for a staff member, enter the staff member’s name in the Find field.
    Tip: Wildcards are supported when searching staff members. You can search strings that include a space by entering %+Space+character, which is helpful when searching last names. For example, typing %+Space+b returns all last names starting with the letter b. There is also an implied wildcard when searching, so typing b in the Find field returns all items containing the letter b.
  4. To let customers answer the survey anonymously, select the Allow Anonymous check box.
    Contact information is not required to answer the survey.

    Selecting Allow Anonymous in your survey does not mean that all responses are anonymous. If a survey invitation is sent to a contact or an B2C Service cookie is detected on the contact’s computer, or the survey itself contains an email address field, Feedback attempts to use that information to identify the contact. For information about using cookies to identify contacts, see Set Survey Options.

  5. To let customers submit the survey more than once, select the Allow Multiple Submissions check box.
    The Allow Multiple Submissions option is not visible for recurring surveys, which always allow multiple submissions. However, recurring surveys can be configured to exclude contacts from the audience that were included in a previous instance of the recurrence. See Add or Edit a Recurring Broadcast Survey Schedule.
  6. Click the text in the At a Glance section to perform common survey functions.

    At a Glance Section

    Field Description

    Invitation Method

    This field displays the invitation method currently selected for the survey. Click Change to change the method. See Change the Invitation Method of a Survey.

    Survey Status

    This field displays whether the survey is active or inactive. Customers cannot submit responses to an inactive survey and receive a warning message when attempting to access the survey URL. See Deactivate a Survey.

    Expiration Date

    This field displays the survey expiration date and time. By default, no expiration date is set. See Set an Absolute Expiration Date and Set a Relative Expiration Date.

    Expiration Max Responses

    This field displays the number of responses a survey can accept. If set, this field also displays the number of responses received, as well as the number of surveys that are still allowed. The maximum number of survey responses you can define is one million. See Set Expiration Based on Maximum Number of Responses.

    Expiration Message

    Click Edit to customize the survey expiration message. See Customize the Expiration Message.

    If you do not define your own survey expiration message, the system default message is used.


    This field displays how many pages and questions are in the survey. Click Preview Survey to preview the survey.


    This field displays how many surveys were started and completed by customers.

    Audience Count

    This field displays the most current audience count and when the last count was performed. Click Refresh to update the audience count.

    To view the details of the audience count, click Details. See View Audience Count Details in Surveys.

    Market Testing

    This field displays the market testing mode of the survey. Click Change to change market testing modes. See Activate Market Testing in Broadcast Surveys.


    This field displays the number of proofs that have been sent, approved, and rejected. Click Send Proof Message to send a proof. See Send a Proof.

    Delivery Status

    This field displays the delivery status of the survey and the number of emails sent and delivered. See Survey Delivery Statuses.

  7. Click the Questionnaire tab to add questions and HTML content to the survey. See Create a Questionnaire in Basic Mode and Create a Questionnaire in Advanced Mode.
  8. Click the Audience tab to define an audience for the survey. See Define the Broadcast Survey Audience.
  9. Click the Invitation Message tab to create the message sent to the survey audience. See Create an Invitation Message in Broadcast Surveys.
  10. Click the Reminders tab to create automatic email messages that will prompt your customers either to start taking the survey or to finish it if they have already started. See Survey Reminders.
  11. Click the Proofing tab to send a proof of the email for internal review before sending it to the entire audience.
  12. Click the Delivery tab to select delivery options. See Access Broadcast Survey Delivery Options.
  13. To view the reports associated with the survey, click the Results tab. See View Survey Results.
  14. To preview the survey as it would be viewed on a standard web device, such as a desktop or a laptop, click Standard on the ribbon.
    The survey preview opens in a web browser.
    Note: If a survey contains an email address field and you submit a value for the field in the survey preview, the form creates or updates contact records so that advanced survey functions can be tested. For this reason, be sure to use only test contact addresses to avoid updating production contacts when testing survey previews. Also, be careful not to use the preview survey URL in place of the URL of your completed survey (described in step 16). Information submitted on a preview survey is discarded and has no effect on the data collected by the live survey. For identification purposes, each preview survey displays a watermark to ensure it is not confused with a live survey.
  15. To preview the survey as it would be viewed from a mobile device, click Mobile on the ribbon. See Mobile Surveys.
    Mobile preview is a limited, browser-based preview that gives you a general idea of how your survey might look on a smaller device when you are designing your survey from your desktop. With that in mind, always test your surveys on applicable mobile devices and browsers before you launch them.
  16. To copy the URL of the survey to your clipboard, click Survey URL on the ribbon. The Survey URL message opens.
    1. Click OK when you are finished viewing the URL.
    A URL is automatically assigned to the survey. This is the URL that your invitation message links to and your customers visit to complete the survey. From this window, you can view the URL and it is automatically copied to your workstation clipboard.
  17. Click Save.