Activate Market Testing in Broadcast Surveys

When creating a broadcast survey, you can test different content and designs on a subset of your audience by using market testing.

For broadcast surveys, market testing is available in two modes: even split and random sampling.
  • Even split—This mode sends your test message to equal portions of your audience. For example, if you created four messages, each message would be sent to twenty-five percent of your audience. In this way, you can test different content and designs for use in future messages.
  • Random sampling—This mode sends test messages to a percentage of the audience you specify. After the test messages are sent, you send a final message to remaining audience members. For example, you could send two messages to five percent of your audience each. After determining the most effective message, you would send a final message to any audience members who had not received a test message.

By default, the Invitation Message tab is set up without market testing. This means you create and send only one invitation message.

  1. On the Invitation Message tab of an open survey, click the information bar (above the From address field) and select Change Market Testing Mode.
    You can also access this window on the Summary tab by clicking Change next to Market Testing.
    The Select Market Testing Mode window opens.
  2. To send test messages to equal portions of your audience, select Even Split. See Create Messages in Even Split Mode.
  3. To send test messages to a percentage of your audience, select Random Sampling. See Create Messages in Random Sampling Mode.
  4. To disable market testing, select None.
    Note: If you have created more than one test messages, the Select Message To Keep window opens asking you which message you want to use. You must select a message to keep before you can disable market testing.
  5. Click OK.