Create Messages in Even Split Mode

When creating messages in even split mode, you define different message content and proofing options for each version of your message. Your audience is split evenly between the messages. The messages are sent at the same time and share delivery options.

  1. From the Select Market Testing Mode window, select Even Split and click OK.
    The Message tab (mailings) or the Invitation Message tab (surveys) displays in even split mode.

    By default, one test message is sent to 100 percent of the audience. From here, you can add more messages, edit messages, send proofs, or view results. From here, you can also see information about each message.

    Message Tab / Invitation Message Tab

    Column Description


    This column displays the name of the message.


    This column displays the email subject line for the message.


    This column displays the percentage of the audience the message will be sent to.


    This column displays the number of emails sent with the message.


    This column displays the number of emails sent with the message that did not bounce.


    This column displays the number of unique email recipients who opened the message.


    This column displays the number of unique email recipients who clicked a tracked link.


    This column displays the number of email recipients who unsubscribed from mailings.

    Unsubscribe sets global opt-in in both Outreach and Feedback. See .


    This column displays the number of times the mailing was replied to.

  2. Click New on the toolbar to add a second test message.
    The Edit Message window opens.
  3. Enter the name of the message in the Name field.
  4. Enter the subject of the message in the Subject field on the Content tab. See and .
  5. Define any other content or formatting options you may want to test using either the HTML editor or the text editor on the Content tab. See and .
  6. To send a proof message, click the Proofing tab on the Edit Message window. See .
  7. Click OK to save the message.
    The new message is added to the Message tab (mailings) or the Invitation Message tab (surveys).
  8. To open a message for editing, select the message and click Open.
  9. To delete a message, select the message and click Delete.
  10. To copy a message to create another test message, select the message and click Copy.
    Note: A document is automatically created and stored in the Automatically Generated folder in the Documents explorer for every copy of a test message. Changes made to content in any of the copied test messages is not shared with the original test message or subsequent copies. See .
  11. To send a proof of a message, select the message and click Send Proof.
  12. To preview the content of a message, select the message and click Preview.
  13. To refresh the message statistics, click Refresh.
  14. To add URL parameters, enter any parameters you want to append to the links in your message (for example, p1=v1&p2=v2) in the URL Parameters field.
  15. To add a merge field to the URL parameters, click the Merge Field icon to the right of the URL Parameters field and select the field. See .