Add or Edit a Recurring Broadcast Survey Schedule

Survey recurrence lets you send broadcast survey invitations at regular daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly intervals with a number of flexible options.

  • You can schedule invitations to send during a specific date range, or set no end date to allow recurrences to run indefinitely.
  • You can schedule invitations to send on specific days of the month or specific months of the year.
  • You can send an invitation to each contact in your audience only once or include all matching contacts every time the recurrence is initiated.
  • You can select the time of day that you want invitations to begin sending.

Information about past recurrences—such as the time last run, next scheduled runtime, the time the schedule was last updated, and basic results data—is stored in the knowledge base and tracked in the Recurring Surveys Summary report (Public Reports/Feedback/Survey Performance). Also, each recurrence is tracked in the survey audit log along with a description of how many invitations were sent. See Audit Logs.

Before you set a recurring schedule, you must first define the audience and the invitation message subject and content. After recurrence has been set, you can click Suspend to suspend recurrences. This saves the recurrence information so it can be edited or reactivated.

  1. From an open survey, click the Delivery tab.
  2. Click Recurrence.
    The Confirm Schedule Recurrence window opens.
  3. Enter field information.

    Confirm Schedule Recurrence Window

    Field Description
    Recurrence Pattern Select the weekly or monthly interval when the survey should be sent. For example, a survey could be sent every two weeks on Tuesday, or every month on the 7th and 19th.
    Clear All Click this text to clear all selected recurrence pattern check boxes.
    Monthly Select this option to display check boxes for the days of the month. You can then select the days of the month when the survey should be sent.
    Weekly Select this option to display check boxes for each day of the week. You can then select the check boxes next to the days when you want the survey to be sent.

    When you select this option, a Recur drop-down list displays where you can specify the frequency of the weekly survey. For example, if you want to send a survey every week on the days selected, enter 1 in the field. If you want the survey to send every third week on the days selected, enter 3 in the field. This field accepts values from 1 to 99.

    Schedule Specific Months Click this header to display check boxes for the months of the year. Select the months during which the survey should send. By default, every month is selected, but if you do not want to send during a specific month, you can clear the check box for that month.
    Clear All Click this text to clear all check boxes for the selected months.
    Range of Recurrence Options in this section let you specify a date range for the recurrence and time of day at which the survey is sent.
    Start Enter the start and end dates of the schedule or click the calendars to select the dates. The current day is the default start date.
    Time to Send Survey Enter the time of day to begin sending the survey.
  4. Click OK to save the recurrence settings and return to the Delivery tab.
  5. To suspend the recurrence, click Suspend. The Confirm Suspend window opens.
    1. Click OK to confirm you want to suspend the recurrence.
      Note: After recurrence is suspended, you can click Recurrence again to edit or reactivate it.
  6. To exclude contacts from the audience that were included in a previous instance of the recurrence, click the Audience tab and select Exclude From Audience if Previously Sent.
    Tip: By default, a recurring survey sends on every recurrence to every contact that matches your audience, even contacts who previously received an instance of the same message. If you want each contact to receive only one instance of a recurring survey, you must exclude contacts from the audience that were previously sent to. This is often helpful when sending a one-time offer. For instance, sending a one-time offer to all contacts who have a birthday in the next month.