Create a Document

You can create unique documents to use in mailings, campaigns, and surveys. Documents can be designed in either HTML or plain text, and are easily previewed while being created. You can also access tasks and notes associated with the document, and an audit log of actions taken on the document.

After a document is created, it can be served as a web page in a campaign, sent to contacts in a mailing or survey invitation, or used to form a questionnaire in a survey. Documents can contain templates, web forms, snippets, merge fields, merge reports, and conditional sections based on contact filters. However, mailings and surveys using simpler documents send more quickly than those using documents with many merge fields, merge reports, conditional sections, and web forms.

Note: The following procedure assumes that you access the Documents explorer from the Content Library navigation list. However, this explorer may reside in a different navigation list.
  1. Click Content Library on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Documents Explorer.
    The Documents explorer opens on the content pane.
  3. Click New.
    A new document opens on the content pane.
    Tip: You can also create a document from an open document by clicking New. Additionally, if your navigation set is configured to add documents from the file menu, click File > Content Library > Document. See Configure the File Menu.

    By default, the Summary tab is active when creating a document. From here, you can assign the document to a staff member, as well as manage document notes, tasks, and attachments. See How Documents Work. The Notes, Tasks, Attachments, and Audit Log tabs are available only when the Summary tab is selected.

  4. To assign the document to another staff member (by default, the document is assigned to the staff member who creates it), click the Assigned drop-down list and select the staff member.
    Tip: Wildcards are supported when searching staff members. You can search strings that include a space by entering %+Space+character, which is helpful when searching last names. For example, typing %+Space+b returns all last names starting with the letter b. There is also an implied wildcard when searching, so typing b in the Find field returns all items containing the letter b.
    1. To search for a staff member, enter the staff member’s name in the Find field.
  5. To let staff members to serve this document as a web page, select the Approved for Web check box.
  6. To let staff members to use this document in a mailing or survey, select the Approved for Email check box.
  7. To create an HTML version of the document, click the HTML tab and see Create an HTML Document.
  8. To create a plain-text version of the document, click the Text tab and see Create Text Content in Documents.
  9. To spell check the document, click Spelling on the ribbon and see Spell Checking.
  10. Click Save.
    The Save As window opens.
  11. Select the folder you want to save the document in and type the name of the document in the Name field.
  12. Click Save.