Spell Checking

B2C Service uses three methods of spell checking.

The first method of spell checking is an inline spell checker that automatically identifies misspelled words on various tabs and fields as you type. The second method is manual and checks any fields for which the spell check property has been selected. The third method automatically checks your spelling when you save the record.

The spell checking methods in use depend on the selections your administrator used to configure the workspaces for adding and editing records. On any workspace, it is possible that none of the fields have spell check enabled, that some fields are spell checked automatically, or that fields are spell checked only when you click Spell Check on the ribbon.

Note: If the language of an incident is different from the language of the interface from which the incident response is created, the spell checker uses the dictionary that is associated with the language specified in the incident’s Language field. If this value is changed during an edit of the incident, the dictionary for the newly selected language is used to check the spelling. In addition, if an incident is being edited on an interface that supports spell checking, but the incident has a language that does not support spell checking, then Spell Check is disabled.