Create a Workspace

You can create a custom workspace from scratch by starting with a blank workspace. You can also copy an existing workspace or import a workspace from an exported workspace file to use as the basis for a new workspace.

After you create a custom workspace, you can tailor the design by adding and removing fields and controls, adjusting properties, and arranging the layout to suit your business needs.

This procedure describes how to create workspaces. To import a workspace from an exported workspace file, see How You Export and Import Workspaces.

  1. From the Workspaces explorer, click New. (If workflows are enabled, the button will be labeled New Workspace.)
    The New Workspace window opens.
  2. In the Start With a Blank Workspace section, select a workspace type.
    Note: If your site has an Agent Browser User Interface associated with it, a message displays with a link to more information. Click OK to continue.
    The workspace designer opens.
  3. To design the workspace, see Edit a workspace.
  4. Click Save.