Answer Ranking Through Solved Count

Solved count collects information about the usefulness of answers in your knowledge base and uses this data to rank your answers.

Implicit data is compiled by how customers select and view answers. Explicit data is compiled by how customers rate the effectiveness of individual answers. Both long-term and short-term solved counts are used to calculate the score. Solved counts from the customer portal account for 75 percent of an answer score, and agent solved counts contribute 25 percent. Using the solved count values, Service can dynamically rank the answers by their usefulness and present customers with the most effective answers first. By default, the Solved Count feature is enabled.

An answer score value is a calculated value equal to the answer solved count combined with any “fix at” positions specified for the answer in the Display Position drop-down list when adding or editing an answer. For more information about the options available, see Add Answer Details.

  • Implicit ratings—Implicit ratings are gathered as customers view answers. If a customer views an answer, the solved count of the first answer is increased, but not as much as the second viewed answer. In other words, the answer that the customer views last receives the largest solved count increase. Previously viewed answers receive a smaller increase in their solved counts. The solved count is also increased when an agent uses a SmartAssistant suggested answer when responding to a customer’s question.
  • Explicit ratings—Explicit ratings are gathered from the response to the question, “Is this answer helpful?” This question displays on the Answers page on the customer portal.