Answer Ranking

Through answer click-track analysis and feedback, your answers are automatically organized.

Answer rankings are constantly updated using the solved count value and presented to your customers with the most useful information first. Service uses three techniques to gather useful information about answers.

  • Explicit customer feedback—By default, the Answers page offers customers a way to rate answers through the “Is this answer helpful?” option. Their responses automatically raise or lower the solved count of answers.
  • Explicit ranking of answers—You can explicitly rank answers at certain levels in the knowledge base using the Display Position setting. This is often useful when new issues arise.
  • Click-track analysis—Service analyzes the path each customer takes through the knowledge base. The use and benefits are two-fold:
    • Answer relationships—An affinity map is built that relates answers that customers view to other answers viewed during the same visit. Through the SmartAssistant feature, Service suggests answers to them based on the historical relationships of that answer to other answers in the knowledge base. The suggested answers appear as learned links on the Relationships tab.
    • Implicit ranking—The click-track data is also used for answer ranking. Each time an answer is viewed by a customer or suggested by an agent, its solved count is increased.