What to Do When Answers Are Not Visible

If an answer (or a section within an answer) you want to be accessed by your customers does not appear on the customer portal, answer these questions to troubleshoot the problem.

Tip: You can preview an answer to view it as customers will see it on the customer portal.
  • Is your status set to Public, or a custom status with a status type of Public?
  • Does the access level have visibility for the desired interface?
  • Is your language for the answer appropriate? If you have more than one interface with multiple languages, is the answer set to the same language as the interface you are trying to view it on?
  • Are your products and categories visible on the interface? Is your answer assigned to at least one product or category that is visible to customers?
  • Are the answer sections within the answer visible as you intended?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” make the appropriate changes and use the preview to see if the answer displays. If you are unsure of the answer to any of the above questions, contact your administrator.