Overview of Search Parameters

You can add search parameters to your report to define the data shown in the report’s columns, charts, and exceptions.

Search parameters include filters, variables, and comparison date offsets. These are shown on the report’s Search window when staff members run the report, allowing them to modify the data that's returned, or you can hide filters so their values cannot be changed by staff members.

Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Filters Filters limit the data returned in your report by selecting a subset of information from the database. Different types of filters are available, and each serves a different purpose.
Report Filters Report filters limit the data accessible to any of the report’s output levels and can be fixed or runtime selectable. Fixed filters cannot be changed when the report is run, but runtime selectable filters can be changed by staff members. runtime selectable filters can also be required if you want to force staff members to select filter values. See Create a Fixed or Runtime Selectable Filter.
Level Filters Level filters are similar to report filters and can be fixed or runtime selectable. However, unlike report filters, level filters limit the data accessible at individual output levels rather than the entire report. See Create a Level Filter.
Group Filters Group filters can be fixed or runtime selectable and are applied to data that's grouped to prevent information about certain groups from being returned. For example, a report that shows the number of unresolved incidents for each staff member could have a group filter to display information only for staff members with more than ten unresolved incidents. See Create a Group Filter.
Variables Variables can be used to return different data, or the same data in different formats, in one column. For example, you could create a single report that displays the number of incidents by staff member, group, queue, or status. You select the information you want when you run the report. See Variables.
Comparison Date Offset Staff members can select comparison date offsets when they run a report with comparison columns. Comparison columns are used to display related information from different time periods. For example, comparison columns can be used to see how many opportunities were created in two different quarters. See Add a Comparison Percentage Column to a Report and Add a Comparison Value Column to a Report.