Apply a Layout to an Output Level

You can apply a predefined layout to quickly modify the report’s display to make it appropriate for the report’s audience.

For example, the Grid layout can be applied to operational reports that are used by staff members who work with incidents, contacts, or other types of records. This layout is ideal for such reports since it does not include titles, headers, or other report sections that aren't needed when working with records. If your report is to be emailed or printed, you could use the Standard Report layout, which includes titles, headers, and other report sections that help explain the report’s context and purpose. The other layouts available are Standard Report with Chart and Chart Report.

Layouts can be selected on the Getting Started window when creating reports or from the report designer’s ribbon. Layouts selected from the Getting Started window are applied to all the output levels added to the report, and layouts selected from the ribbon are applied to individual output levels. See Open the Report Designer for more information about adding layouts from the Getting Started window.

  1. If your report includes more than one output level, select the output level the layout should be applied to from the Level drop-down list at the top of the design surface.
  2. Click the Home tab.
  3. Click Report Layouts to open the report layouts menu.
  4. Click one of the layouts to apply it to the current output level.

    Report Layout Options

    Layout Description

    Grid Report

    Select this layout for an output level with the Docked Filters, Page Header, Data Area, and Page Footer report sections.

    Standard Report

    Select this layout for an output level with the Docked Filters, Page Header, Report Header, Data Area, Report Footer, and Page Footer report sections.

    Standard Report with Chart

    Select this layout for an output level with the Docked Filters, Page Header, Report Header, Charts, Data Area, and Page Footer report sections.


    Select this layout for an output level with the Page Header, Charts, and Page Footer report sections. This layout isn't available on the Getting Started window.

    When a report output level includes a chart but not tabular data, you can add data for the chart directly from the Chart Wizard. See Add or Edit a Chart with the Chart Wizard.