Add or Edit a Chart with the Chart Wizard

You can use the Chart Wizard to create and customize charts for a report.

The Chart Wizard displays a series of windows for customizing charts. The first window displays the list of available chart types and subtypes. Each successive window contains additional options for customizing your chart. The available options on each succeeding window depend on the chart type and subtype selected.
  1. Add or edit a chart to open the Chart Wizard.
  2. Click the Chart Type drop-down list to select the chart type you want to use.

    Chart Types

    Chart Type Description
    Vertical Bar Vertical bar charts display data as a series of vertical bars. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.
    Horizontal Bar Horizontal bar charts display data as a series of horizontal bars. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.
    Pie Pie charts display data as a percentage of a whole. Subtype options can display two- or three-dimensional pie charts or doughnut charts.
    Line Line charts display data as a series of points connected by a line. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.
    Line/Bar Combo Line/bar combo charts display both a line chart and a vertical bar chart. Subtype options can display the chart with single or stacked bars and as two- or three-dimensional.
    Area Area charts display data as areas on an x- and y-axis. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.
    X—Y X-Y charts display data as a series of plotted points. Subtype options can display the plotted points as points, lines, or bubbles and as two- or three-dimensional.
    Radar Radar charts display data in a radar format. Numeric values are plotted at markers on the perimeter.
    Stock Stock charts display the minimum and maximum values for data. Subtype options can display the chart using squares or lines to represent the high and low points of each plot.
    Pareto Pareto charts display data in descending order with an ascending plot line for cumulative percentage. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.

    Gauge charts display a numeric value as a percentage of a whole. Subtype options can display the chart as a gradation bar or a simple color meter.

    Gauge charts cannot be used in reports that contain non-aggregate columns.

    Funnel Funnel charts display data as areas shown in ascending or descending order. Subtype options can display two- or three-dimensional funnel or pyramid charts.
    Gantt Gantt charts display time lines for completion of scheduled tasks. Subtype options can display the chart as two- or three-dimensional.
  3. Select one of the chart subtypes from the Chart Subtype section.
  4. Click Next to open the Source Data window.

    The source data options let you specify the data to display in the chart. For example, if creating a vertical bar chart, you can specify a column to use as the chart’s category value, displaying on the x-axis, and the column to use as the chart’s series value, displaying on the y-axis. The wizard also displays a sample chart to help you identify chart elements.

  5. Enter field information.

    Select Source Data

    Field Description

    Available Columns

    This field displays the columns you have added to the report level that can be used in the chart.

    If you have not yet added columns to the report, you can click this area to open the Column Definition window. See Add a Column to a Report.

    Add Column

    Click this text to open the Column Definition window to add a column to your report level. This option provides a method to add columns if your report level does not have any columns or does not include a column you want to use for your chart. See Add a Column to a Report.

    Add a Column for the Category Value

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as categories in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete.

    To move the column, click the up or down icons to move the column one position.

    This option isn't available for Pie, Gauge, and Funnel charts.

    Add One or More Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    To move the column, click the up or down icons to move the column one position.

    This option isn't available for Gauge and Line/Bar Combo charts. In addition, Pie and Funnel charts accept only one series.

    Define Series

    This section is where you pick the output columns or column values to use for the series.

    This section isn't available for Pie, Line/Bar Combo, X-Y, Stock, Pareto, Gauge, and Funnel chart types.

    By Manually Selecting from Available Columns

    Select this option to manually select the columns used as values in the chart. For example, if you were reporting on incident statistics for different products, you could define the category as “Products” and the series as “Unresolved Incidents” and “Solved Incidents.” The category axis would display each product and the value axis would display a list of values. Each product would have two bars: one for unresolved incidents and one for solved incidents.

    Using Values From

    Select this option to specify the output column that's used to automatically populate values for the series. For example, if you were reporting on incident statistics for different products and assigned to different groups, you could define the category as “Products” and the series as “Unresolved Incidents.” If you selected groups from the drop-down list associated with this option, each group would be used as a bar chart for each product. The category axis would display each product and the value axis would display a list of values (unresolved incidents). Each product would have bars for each group.

    Get Labels From

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as labels in your chart. Labels represent each piece of the pie. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete.

    This option is available only for Pie and Funnel charts.

    Add Line Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as the line series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    This option is available only for Line/Bar Combo charts.

    Add Bar Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as the bar series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    This option is available only for Line/Bar Combo charts.

    Select Gauge Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    This option is available only for Gauge charts.

    Select Line Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as the line series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    This option is available only for X-Y charts with a combo subtype.

    Add Bubble Series

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as the bubble series in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete. Only numeric columns can be used as series.

    This option is available only for X-Y charts with bubble or combo subtypes.

    Add Bubble Values

    Select one or more columns from Available Columns and either drag them or click the arrow to move them to this grid. Columns added to this grid are used as bubble values in your chart. To remove a column, drag it back to the Available Columns section or select the column and press Delete.

    This option is available only for X-Y charts with bubble or combo subtypes.

    Category Axis Series

    Select a column to use as the category for the chart from this drop-down list.

    This option is available only for Gantt charts.

    Select Progress Series

    Select a column to use as the progress series for the chart from this drop-down list. Only integer columns can be selected for the progress series.

    This option is available only for Gantt charts.

    Select Start Date Series

    Select a column to define the start date series from this drop-down list. Only date columns can be selected for the start date series.

    This option is available only for Gantt charts.

    Select End Date Series

    Select a column to define the end date series from this drop-down list. Only date columns can be selected for the start date series.

    This option is available only for Gantt charts.

  6. Click Next to define general chart settings.
  7. Enter field information.

    General Chart Settings

    Field Description

    Chart Title

    Enter the title of the chart in this text box.

    Category Axis Label

    Enter the label of the category axis in this text box.

    This option isn't available for Pie, Radar, Gauge, or Funnel charts.

    Value Axis Label

    Enter the label of the value axis in this text box.

    This option isn't available for Pie, Line/Bar Combo, Radar, Gauge, or Funnel charts.

    Bar Value Axis Label

    Enter the label for the chart’s bar value.

    This option is available only for Line/Bar Combo charts.

    Line Value Axis Label

    Enter the label for the chart’s line value.

    This option is available only for Line/Bar Combo charts.

    Sync Bar Line Scales

    Select this check box to use the same range for the chart’s bar and line scales.

    This option is available only for Line/Bar Combo charts.

    Chart Style

    Click the underlined text to select a chart style for the chart. The chart style you select appears on the sample chart displayed on the Chart Wizard.

    After you apply a chart style, you can customize the chart styling using buttons on the Design, Layout, and Format tabs. See Chart Styles Explorer.


    Specify the scale used by the chart in this section.

    This option isn't available for Pie, Radar, or Funnel charts.


    Select this option to use the scale values specified in the selected chart style.


    Select this option to define a custom scale for the chart. For example, if the values listed in a chart range from 10 to 50, you can create a custom scale to use these values as the scale’s start and end points to prevent the chart from displaying ranges with no data.

    Scale Start/Scale End

    Enter the starting value (lowest value) and ending (highest value) for the chart’s scale in these fields.

    These options are enabled only when defining a custom scale.

    Gauge Color Ranges

    Add color ranges and define range colors in this section. Color ranges can be used to display numeric ranges in different colors. For example, a range of 0-33 could be green, 34-65 could be yellow, and 66-100 could be red.

    This option is available only for Gauge charts.

    Add Range

    Click this text to add a color range.

    A maximum of five ranges can be shown on the gauge. The range values cannot contain gaps or overlap.

    Remove Range

    Click this text to remove a range you have added.


    Enter the starting and ending values for the range in these fields.

    Start Color/End Color

    Click these color boxes to select colors to indicate the start and end points of the range.

  8. Click Finish.

    You can edit or delete any chart you add by right-clicking the chart on the design surface and selecting the appropriate option. You can also click the chart on the design surface and edit the chart with options available on the Design, Layout, and Format tabs. See Create or Edit a Chart Style for information about the options on these tabs.