Add a Column to a Report

You can add a report column from either the data dictionary or the Column Definition window.

The procedures to add report columns are the same whether you’re adding standard or custom fields from the database, functions, variables, or computed fields. If your column returns information directly from the database, and does not require a complicated expression, you can add the column using the data dictionary. If your column’s expression is complex it can be easier to add the column from the Column Definition window.
Note: Each output level can have a maximum of 100 output columns. In addition, the number of tables used in a report is limited to 20.
  1. To add a column from the data dictionary:
    1. Select the field, function, variable, or computed field you want from the data dictionary.
      Note: If the data dictionary isn't shown on the design surface, click the Home tab and click Data Dictionary to display it.
    2. Drag the field you selected to the data area on the design surface.

      When you drag an item from the data dictionary to the data area, you can place it in any position. Arrows display between column headers indicating where the field will be placed. When the field is in the location you want, drop it onto the data area.

  2. To add a column from the Column Definition window:
    1. Click the Home tab and click Add Column.
      The Column Definition window opens.
    2. Enter field information.

      Column Definition Window

      Field Description


      Enter a heading for the column. This heading displays in the report output.

      Use predefined heading when available

      Select this check box to use the default heading for the column. This is the name of the field as it appears in the data dictionary.


      Enter an optional description for the column. Text that you enter in this field displays in the report when you include the Output Descriptions report section. See Display Output Descriptions.

      Available Columns/Functions

      This area displays the data dictionary, which lists the available fields, functions, and parameters you can add as columns to the report. To add an item, expand the tree, select the item, and drag it to the Expression section.

      This option does not display when defining columns for computed fields.


      This area displays the field, function, or parameter you have defined as a column. If you know the specific field or function you want to add, you can enter it in this field to add it as an output column without dragging it from the Available Columns/Functions field. You can also manually edit the expression shown in this section. The Expression area does not display when defining columns for computed fields.

      The maximum number of characters allowed in the expression field is 3,500. You can use replacement variables to create expressions that require more characters. See Add Report Variables.

    3. Click OK to add the output column.

      The column is added as the last column on the report level. See How You Edit Column Formatting for information about how to reposition the column.

      Columns are displayed on the design surface after you add them to the data area. Four rows of sample text display beneath each column to give you an idea of what the report output will look like.