View the Column Right-Click Menu

Numerous options that let you change a column’s display, positioning, and other options are available on the column’s right-click menu.

The right-click menu is available for columns when you're viewing a report, or when you're editing a report on the report designer. The options in this menu give you a large amount of control over how your columns display and function, so it's important you understand the options available on the menu.
  1. Open the report.
  2. Right-click the header of the column you want to modify.
    The right-click menu opens.

    Column Options

    Button Description
    Edit Definition Select this option to open the Column Definition window where you can edit the column heading, descriptions, and expression. See Add a Column to a Report. This option displays only when editing a report on the report designer.
    Edit Format Select this option to open the Column Format window where you can change the column format, alignment, width, and styles. See How You Edit Column Formatting.
    Edit Calculations Select this option to open the Calculations window where you can select calculations on the column values to display beneath the column. Refer to Add Calculations to a Report Column.
    Sort Ascending Select these options to sort the values in the column in ascending or descending order. See How You Change Report Sort Order.
    Sort Descending
    Move Column Left Select one of these options to move the column left or right. You can also move columns by dragging them on the design surface. These options display only when editing a report on the report designer.
    Move Column Right
    Insert New Column Before Select one of these options to add a new column before or after the column you have selected. When you select this option, the Column Definition window opens so you can create the new column. These options display only when editing a report on the report designer.
    Insert New Column After
    Delete Column Select this option to delete the column from the report. You can also delete a column by selecting the column and pressing Delete. This option displays only when editing a report on the report designer.

    Freeze Column

    Click this button to fix the selected column in place so it does not move when you horizontally scroll the report. This can be helpful if you want to continue to view the first column in the report while scrolling the report to see the columns on the right of the report.

    When you fix a column, all columns to the left of the column are also fixed. You can still scroll the columns to the right of the fixed column.

    Hide Column Select this option to prevent the column from displaying in the report output. The column is only hidden, so you can display the column when running the report if you need to see it. For information about showing and hiding columns, see Hide or Show a Column Using Right-Click Options.
    Insert Hidden Column Select this option to view a list of any hidden or rolled-up columns in the report. Click the hidden or rolled-up column you want to display. This option displays only when the report has hidden columns.