How You Select a Guide from the Answer’s Guided Assistance Field

You can select a guide from the guided assistance field by associating a guide using the Guided Assistance field on an answer or custom workspace.

Sometimes, a guide may not contain any responses that link to answers from the knowledge base. For example, responses could be associated only with text explanations. In this case, to make the guide searchable, you must associate it with an answer using the Guided Assistance field in the answer editor. On the default answer workspace, the Guided Assistance field is found on the Details tab. (For custom workspaces, you can add the answers.guided assistance field from the Insert Field ribbon tab on the workspace editor.) For example, if the answer is associated with a guide named Service Plan Assistance, that guide will be returned in guide searches when the search criteria matches the answer contents.

Use one of the following reports on the Reports explorer to help you identify guides that will be impacted by changes to guides or the removal of associated content.
  • Public Reports/Service/Guided Assistance/Guide Dependency—Lists answers and other guides that have been linked to by each guide.
  • Public Reports/Service/Guided Assistance/Guided Assistance Search—Lists Guided Assistance guides that contains the answers matching the specified search criteria.