How You Send Incident Responses

When you complete a response to an incident, you send your reply to the customer. Several options are available when you send a response, including attaching files to the response, copying other recipients, and selecting encryption options.

The behavior for sending responses depends on the settings your administrator selected when creating the incident workspace for your profile. The standard incident workspace behaves in the following manner when you add a Response type thread entry to the uncommitted threads panel.

  • The Send on Save check box is cleared, so you must select it if you want to automatically send your response to the primary contact when you save the incident. For this reason, you might not want to select it until you have finalized your response so you do not send a response each time you save changes while you work on the incident.
  • If an uncommitted response thread exists and the Send on Save check box is selected, the Email title bar displays an attachment icon for associating attachments and a CC field for notifying other contacts. BCC and sign/encrypt functionality can be enabled on the Options window (accessed by clicking Options on the thread control, which is typically found on the Messages tab toolbar).
  • You can save a draft response to an incident without sending it. Click Options on the thread control and select the Always Show for Responses check box below the Email Message Header heading. You will then be able to set CC, BCC, and attachments for a response, and save that data until you want to send the response. See Attach Files to an Incident Response and Select Additional Recipients for an Incident Response.
  • Customer-entered URLs are replaced with [link removed] in response emails. This ensures that customer-entered URLs (IP addresses) are not identified as spam and blocked. This functionality can be overridden by populating the EGW_ALLOWED_DOMAIN_NAMES and EGW_ALLOWED_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAINS configuration settings found in RightNow Common/Service Modules/RightNow Email.
  • If a contact is associated with multiple email addresses, service responses are sent to all associated addresses by default. You can limit your responses to be sent to a single email address by enabling the site-wide configuration setting OE_SVC_SENDMAIL_SINGLE_ADDRESS (found in Common/General/Outgoing Email). When enabled, service responses are sent only to the specified email address and agents can select which one of the contact email addresses they want to send the response to. That email address value remains for the life of the incident. However, any new incidents for that contact will default to the primary email address.