How You Store Social Media User Names

When monitoring certain channel types, B2C Service can store your customers’ social media identifier in their contact records which lets you associate incoming social monitor incidents with contacts based on their social media accounts and helps agents identify where posts originate.

When an incident is created through Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, B2C Service searches all contacts for an instance of the associated social media identifier. If a matching identifier is found, the incident is automatically associated with the contact. If no matching identifier is found, a new contact containing the identifier is created for the incident.

  • When an incident is created through a Facebook channel, B2C Service populates the Channel Usernames field in the contact record with the post author’s Facebook user ID.
  • When an incident is created through Twitter or YouTube, the Channel Usernames field is populated with the user name from the channel.

In addition to this automated process, contacts and staff members can be permitted to add and edit user names for each channel type, based on the visibility settings on the Channel Types editor and the configuration of the customer portal and agent workspace. Channel types are not interface specific and cannot be deleted.

  • Contacts can add, edit, and view their Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube user names through the ChannelAllInput and ChannelAllDisplay widgets on the customer portal.
  • Staff members can add and edit Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube user names for contacts from a custom contact workspace. Before staff members can add and edit social media user names, the Channel Usernames field must be added to the contact workspace. See Overview of Workspaces.