How You Provide Login Information to Staff Members

You can provide staff members with details about their login activity for the previous sixty days.

The My Account Login Statistics report, found in Common/Site Administration/Staff Management, lists when the staff member last logged in successfully, the IP address of the last successful login, when the last login attempt failed, and the IP address of the last failed login attempt. A drill-down is also available that lists all the unsuccessful login attempts since the last successful login.

This image is described in the surrounding text.

You may also want to add the My Account Login Statistics report to your staff members’ navigation sets. In addition, if you set this report as the default in a navigation list, and that navigation list displays when staff members log in, the report will automatically open on the content pane. In this way, your staff can track their own login activity on a regular basis.

The staff member’s name in the Account column on the My Account Login Statistics report links to the Unsuccessful Login Attempts by Account report, another standard report in B2C Service. While staff members can see their individual unsuccessful login attempts in this report, you can run the report to see all failed login attempts throughout your system and spot any trends or problems that may exist.

This image is described in the surrounding text.