How You Update Multiple Records

Multi-editing lets you update more than one record in a single operation instead of performing the same action on each individual record.

This feature saves time when you need to make the same change to several records. For example, you might want to add the same flag to several records.

Note: In addition to opening a multi-edit workspace that let you make the same change to multiple records simultaneously, you can also open multiple records in a single operation by right-clicking the selected records, selecting Open Separately, and selecting the type of record you want to open. Rather than opening a multi-edit workspace, as described in Edit Multiple Records, this procedure opens each record separately. You can then edit each record independently of the others.

The changes you can make to multiple records depend on the workspace defined by your administrator. This table lists the fields you can edit for each record type when working on that record’s standard workspace. If you are working on custom workspaces, the fields that are editable depend on the workspace your administrator configured and may include more or fewer fields than those available on the standard workspace for that type of record.

Available Fields on the Standard Workspaces

Standard Multi-Edit Workspace Fields Available for Multi-Editing
  • Status
  • Assigned
  • Review On
  • Publish On
  • Notes
  • Products/Categories
  • Organization
  • Contact
  • Product
  • Status
  • Date Purchased
  • Date Installed
  • Date Retired
  • Price
  • Description
  • Salesperson
  • State
  • Disabled Flag
  • Assigned
  • Product
  • Status
  • Category
  • Queue
  • Disposition
  • Messages tab
  • S/MIME signing and encryption of responses are disabled when you edit multiple incidents simultaneously.
Note: Answers cannot be added to incidents when using multi-editing. You must add an answer to each individual incident record.
  • Organization
  • Status
  • Strategy
  • Stage
  • Manager Forecast
  • Rep Forecast
  • Forecast Close
  • Assigned
  • Date of Initial Contact
  • Recall
  • Date Closed
  • Closed Value
  • Summary
  • Salesperson
  • State
  • Assigned
  • Due Date
  • Planned Completion
  • Date Completed
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type (Opportunity, Incident, Answer, Campaign, Mailing, Survey, Document)