How the Else Clause Can Simplify Business Rules

You can probably use rules to accomplish everything you want without ever using the Else clause. But using the Else clause can simplify your rules.

Rules are if-then statements: If this condition occurs, then take this action. Maybe you want incidents with a high severity level to be routed to one queue, and those with any other severity level to be routed to a second queue.

Your rules could look like this:

  • If Incident.Severity equals High, set queue ID to Queue 1.
  • If Incident.Severity equals Average, set queue ID to Queue 2.
  • If Incident.Severity equals Low, set queue ID to Queue 2.
  • If Incident.Severity equals None, set queue ID to Queue 2.

Depending on the number of severity levels your organization uses, this could get unwieldy rather quickly. Instead, you might create a different set of rules to accomplish the same thing:

  • If Incident.Severity equals High, set queue ID to Queue 1.
  • If Incident.Severity not equals High, set queue ID to Queue 2.

Even though the second rule set is more manageable than the first, the Else clause offers you a single-rule solution.

This image shows an example of the single-rule solution using the Else clause: If Incident.Severity equals High, set queue ID to Queue 1, else set queue ID to Queue 2.